Maher Tabba

PLEURA Journal

PLEURA Journal Volume 5 January-December 2018

  • PD-L1 and Immunotherapy in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Malignant Pleural Effusion

  • Liberator, Cole MD; Heymann, Jonas MD; Saqi, Anjali MD, MBA; Shu, Catherine MD; Crapanzano, John MD; Bulman, William MD

  • DOI: 10.33973/Pleura3622111
  • PLEURA. 2018; 5:1-11.
  • Download the article here


  • Thoracic Endometriosis
  • Mohey M. Saleh, M.D.; Noor Sameh Darwich; Ejaz Ahmad, M.D.

  • DOI: 10.33973/Pleura361111
  • PLEURA. 2018; 5:12-15.
  • Download the article here


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