Information for Authors
PLEURA is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal focusing on the most recent advances in pleural diseases. The official journal of the International Society of Pleural Diseases, PLEURAs goal is to advance the field of knowledge related to pleural diseases and to inform the daily practice of clinicians working in this field. The Journal specializes in topics important to pulmonologists, intensivists, thoracic surgeons, oncologists, pathologists, and basic scientists. PLEURA promotes a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and management of pleural diseases among clinicians.
The open access platform and comprehensive scope of PLEURA allow for rapid dissemination of current clinical views and high-quality research studies across all related disciplines, covering all issues pertaining to the pleura and helping to establish new guidelines.
PLEURA Manuscript Guidelines Download the guidelines here
Items should be included in the submitted manuscript file:
- 1: Cover Letter
- 2: Complete names of the authors and their mailing & email addresses
- 3: Manuscript corresponding author institution and mailing & email addresses
- 4: Key words
- 5: Manuscript (according to the PLEURA Manuscript Guidelines above)
- 6: All the above items should be sent as one file to manuscript@pleuralsociety.org
If you have any questions, please e-mail us at: info@pleuralsociety.org